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QuickBooks « Product Support | EMC Publishing, LLC.Introduction - QuickBooks The Missing Manual [Book]


You can prevent your essential add-on services from becoming obsolete by upgrading to QuickBooks Desktop If you continue to use QuickBooks , Intuit live technical support will no longer be able to provide support to you if an issue arises within your product or data file.

If you are using 3rd party applications that integrate with your QuickBooks, it is highly recommended that you upgrade. This is due to the fact that providers require Intuit support and development to sustain compatibility with QuickBooks products.

The evolution of tech tools for business are essential to continued innovation, growth, and efficiency. Intuit continues to pursue better software and tools for its customers based on this overarching reality. If you need to upgrade, you can find the best deals on QuickBooks products at our online store. You must be logged in to post a comment. Talk with an Expert. Need Help? Phone: Find an Advisor. Chris Low. Intuit offers companion products that you can integrate with this edition to support all aspects of your retail operation.

As long as funding comes primarily from unrestricted sources, the Pro edition will work reasonably well. In that case, QuickBooks Premier Nonprofit might be a real timesaver. Double-entry accounting is the standard method for tracking where your money comes from and where it goes. For example, as shown in Table 1 , when you sell something to a customer, the money on your invoice comes in as income and goes into your Accounts Receivable account.

Then, when you deposit the payment, the money comes out of the Accounts Receivable account and goes into your checking account. See Chapter 16 for more about double-entry accounting and journal entries. Each side of a double-entry transaction is either a debit or a credit. As you can see in Table 1 , when you sell products or services, you credit your income account since your income increases when you sell something , but debit the Accounts Receivable account because selling something also increases how much customers owe you.

Chart of accounts. In bookkeeping, an account is a place to store money, just like your real-world checking account is a place to store your ready cash. The difference is that you need an account for each kind of income, expense, asset, and liability you have.

See Chapter 3 to learn about all the different types of accounts you might use. Cash vs. Cash and accrual are the two different ways companies can document how much they make and spend. The accrual method, on the other hand, follows something known as the matching principle , which matches revenue with the corresponding expenses.

This approach keeps income and expenses linked to the period in which they happened, no matter when cash comes in or goes out. The advantage of this method is that it provides a better picture of profitability because income and its corresponding expenses appear in the same period.

For example, if you pay employees in January for work they did in December, those wages are part of the previous fiscal year.

Financial reports. This QuickBooks report gets its name from the difference between income and expenses, which results in your profit or loss for that period. The balance sheet The Balance Sheet is a snapshot of how much you own and how much you owe. Assets are things you own that have value, such as buildings, equipment, and brand names. Liabilities are the money you owe to others like money you borrowed to buy one of your assets, say. The difference between your assets and liabilities is the equity in the company—like the equity you have in your house when the house is worth more than you owe on the mortgage.

The statement of cash flows The Statement of Cash Flows tells you how much hard cash you have. You might think that a profit and loss report would tell you that, but noncash transactions—such as depreciation—prevent it from doing so. But if bookkeeping and accounting are unfamiliar territory, some background training may help you use QuickBooks better and more easily without calling your accountant for help five times a day.

To contact the school, visit www. QuickBooks Help provides a healthy dose of accounting background and troubleshooting tips. This book provides lots of real-world examples, and you can search for topics in its index. This book applies to the U.

Windows version of QuickBooks Pro and Premier. Versions for other countries differ from the U. After that, go ahead and jump from topic to topic depending on the bookkeeping task at hand. All the features in QuickBooks Pro—and in this book—are also in Premier. To keep you productive, this book evaluates features to help you figure out which ones are most useful and when to use them. QuickBooks The Missing Manual is designed to accommodate readers at every technical level. The primary discussions are written for people with beginner or intermediate QuickBooks skills.

These chapters cover creating a company file and setting up accounts, customers, jobs, vendors, invoice items, and other lists. These chapters describe how to track time and expenses, pay for things you buy, bill customers, manage the money that customers owe you, pay for expenses, manage your bank accounts, and perform other bookkeeping tasks.

Part 3 delves into the features that can help you make your company a success—or even more successful than it already is. These chapters explain how to keep track of the financial tasks you need to perform, manage QuickBooks files, keep your inventory at just the right level, work with sales tax, build budgets, and use QuickBooks reports to evaluate every aspect of your enterprise.

Part 4 helps you take your copy of the program to the next level. Part 5 provides a guide to installing and upgrading QuickBooks and a reference to helpful resources.

To use this book and QuickBooks , you need to know a few basics. To click means to point your cursor the arrow pointer at something on the screen and then—without moving the cursor—press and release the left button on the mouse or laptop trackpad. To right-click means the same thing, but you press the right mouse button instead. Clicking usually selects an onscreen element or presses an onscreen button, whereas right-clicking typically reveals a shortcut menu , which lists some common tasks specific to whatever you right-clicked.

To double-click means to click the left button twice in rapid succession, without moving the pointer. And to drag means to move the cursor while holding down the left mouse button the entire time. Related procedures, like Ctrl-clicking , work the same way—just click while pressing the specified key. The menus are the words at the top of your screen: File, Edit, and so on. Some people click to open a menu and then release the mouse button; after reading the menu choices, they click the option they want.

Other people like to press the mouse button continuously as they click the menu title and drag down the list to the desired command; only then do they release the mouse button. Both methods work, so use whichever you prefer. Keyboard shortcuts. Nothing is faster than keeping your fingers on your keyboard to enter data, choose names, trigger commands, and so on—without losing time by grabbing your mouse, carefully positioning it, and then choosing a command or list entry.

On the submenu that appears, choose Customer Type List. Figure 1. Instead of filling pages with long and hard-to-follow instructions for navigating through nested menus and nested folders, the arrow notation is concise and just as informative. You can also communicate with the Missing Manual team and tell us what you love or hate about the book. Head over to www.

Go to www. If you register this book at oreilly. Registering takes only a few clicks. Got questions? Need more information? Fancy yourself a book reviewer? On our Feedback page, you can get expert answers to questions that come to you while reading, and you can share your thoughts on this book. To have your say, go to www. With a subscription, you can read any page and watch any video from our library online.

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Skip to main content. Start your free trial. Choosing the Right Edition. Note QuickBooks Pro Plus is a subscription product that costs a little more than the one-time license fee you pay for QuickBooks Pro, but QuickBooks Pro Plus offers mobile access, unlimited phone support, online backups, and always-up-to-date software. The QuickBooks Premier Choices.

Accounting Basics: The Important Stuff. Note Each side of a double-entry transaction is either a debit or a credit. Table 1. About This Book.



QuickBooks « Product Support | EMC Publishing, LLC -


Enclosed with new book purchases is a card that provides access to the Student Trial Edition of QuickBooks This is a complete version of the software that will be used to learn computerized accounting as presented in this text. Included on this software card is a license number and a product number.

During the process, you will be required to key in the license number and product number. After you do so, store the software card in a safe place.

Search for: Search. QuickBooks - installation This page is related to the product support page s : QuickBooks. This contains the license and product numbers. Do not discard the software card; you will use the numbers on the card in Step 7 below. Note : Replacement cards are available for purchase from Paradigm Education Solutions at educate emcp. Click the Download button on the QuickBooks Premier download page.

If the page displayed is not for the correct version of QuickBooks, click the Change button, select QuickBooks Premier and then click on Then click the Download button. You will need to run the downloaded setup file. At the User Account Control message, click Yes. The Intuit Download Manager window will appear and start downloading the Quickbooks installation files. It may take some time for the files to download. Google Chrome : Once the download completes, it will show up on a bar at the bottom left corner of the browser.

Click on the downloaded file to open it. Then go to the Downloads menu in the top right of the browser looks like a downward pointing arrow and click on the downloaded file to open it. When the download is complete, the Intuit Download Manager window should close. Close the Intuit QuickBooks Support window. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will be prompted to enter a license number and a product number. These numbers are located on the software card.

After entering these numbers, continue to follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. If the QuickBooks Setup window appears, close the window. If you are prompted to register QuickBooks, we recommend that you do this immediately. Note : If you do not register the Student Trial Edition of QuickBooks within 30 days, you will no longer be able to use the software. Close QuickBooks. Store the software card in a safe place.

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